Welcome to Leadify's monthly newsletter! We hope everyone has had a successful start to the new financial year. This month, we're excited to share our recent accomplishments and insights that can empower your business growth. In this edition, you'll find our media buyer note, an exciting addition to our team, and updates on how we're advancing your business goals.
Media Buyer Note
This month, our media buyers have observed an increase in the quality of mortgage refinance leads we acquire. We've noticed a clear and positive change in the leads' quality we're currently getting. More precisely, some leads that used to be below a certain interest rate threshold have now surpassed this benchmark. Similarly, our endeavours in the Loan-to-Value Ratio (LVR) sphere have been met with success, as a significant reduction has been observed in leads with LVRs that were previously considered high. If you're a broker looking to supercharge your business growth with reliable and scalable lead generation, get in touch with our partnership team by simply clicking on the button below.
Unlocking Potential: Empowering the Solar Industry with Aged/Cold Data Leads
Calling businesses in the solar industry! Are you currently struggling with the volume of inbound enquiries? If the answer is yes, we may be able to assist you. We have been generating solar leads for many years, and as a result, we have a highly comprehensive database of aged solar data. Our Aged/Cold Data Leads offer a great alternative, providing high volumes of lead at a lower cost, alongside providing valuable insights into past solar trends and potential opportunities. Don't miss out on tapping into this wealth of aged solar leads to drive your business forward. If you are looking to supercharge your business growth with reliable and scalable lead generation, get in touch with our partnership team by simply clicking on the button below.
Introducing Our Newest Software Engineer: John Catayas
We're thrilled to introduce John Catayas, our new Software Engineer. With a wealth of software engineering experience and a passion for innovation, John will play a vital role in our mission to support clients and drive growth. Please join us in welcoming John to our team!
Useful Links
Looking for more information about our Leadify and the solutions we offer? We've gathered some of our most helpful resources below, including our Case Studies that provide real-life examples of how our products or services have helped other clients, informative articles and news updates on our Blog, and answers to common questions on our FAQ page. These resources are a great starting point for anyone who wants to learn more about our company and the solutions we provide. So take a look, and don't hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.
Case Studies I Blog I FAQ